Private Voice Lessons
in Windsor

Learn to sing in many styles including classical, pop, jazz, and musical theatre! Students in voice will break out of their shell and gain confidence in performance. We can help you achieve your personal goals with singing. Whether you want to sing happy birthday for a loved one, hone a performance, work toward Royal Conservatory examinations, prepare for an audition or festival such as Kiwanis, our voice lessons are suitable for any student, young to adult, beginner to advanced.
Singing Lesson
Private vocal lessons are available for young beginners as early as 9 years old. We encourage younger students interested in voice to either start with group lessons or private lessons in piano with a vocal coach. This way, students gain a core musical foundation and basic keyboard theory in preparation for dedicated voice lessons when the time comes.
Our voice students are encouraged to work out of the following school curriculum recommended by their teacher, and may also work on their favourite songs during their lessons as well, with licensed popular sheet music.
Learn vocal exercises and techniques, get professional help and feedback with your performance pieces, learn how to read sheet music and learn music theory specific for singers. Develop your own personal singing style and grow your song repertoire! Our teachers work with you on your individual goals.